Welcome to the Realms of Imagination
Official website of Science Fiction and Fantasy Author Carol Hightshoe

Short Stories

Visit the world of the Centuari Alliance and covert operations agent Seylania and her telepathic wolf companion Shadowmist.
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Stories are a form of magic. Through them we create worlds and people.
Within these pages you will find a variety of worlds and characters: heartbroken werewolves, Roman soldiers and dragons who seek immortality only to find the cost is more than they expected. Pirates seeking release from their eternal punishments. A fairy tale princess who learns the real reason for the curse is to prevent her from being used by others. A pair of ladies whose story is well known, but have you ever heard their side of the story. And many more.
Werewolves, dragons, unicorns and other magical creatures inhabit the worlds contained within. Various gods walk these realms as do spirits both pleasant and vengeful.
Carol Hightshoe invites you to enter these worlds and visit with the characters she has created in 24 tales of science-fiction and fantasy. Here legends will be reborn.
Click on the cover to see the stories included in Legends Reborn and other Stories

Available Short Stories
Not part of a collection at this time

The Garden of Mars

The Garden of Eden, the Cradle of Life - the place where life is believed to have started on Earth. But, what if life started somewhere else and what if there was a way to return to the beginning?

Don't Go Into the Long Grass

Genetic Engineering and cloning leads to the development of a popular exotic pet business. However, some exotics are very limited and tightly controlled due to their dangerous nature. This just leads those who want one to take the risk and look outside official channels and go into the Long Grass to find the animal they want. But is it really worth the risk to own a velociraptor as a pet?

Palingenesi Agon

Every ten years the government of Eleutheria opens a small portion of their world to outsiders to celebrate the Palingenesi Agon. Lesdema has studied everything he can locate on this mysterious matriarchal society and is determined to be one of those selected to compete in the celebratory games.

Children of the Goddess

It is said that Alexander the Great took time to honor the customs and culture of the peoples he sought to rule. But did he truly show respect and honor or was it just a political game to the great conqueror? When he comes face to face with the Egyptian Goddess Sehkmet will it be he or his men who will pay for the offense she has taken at his actions?


Eternal Escapes is a unique cemetery with magic being part of the normal operations.In addition to the director of the cemetery there are a number of other guardians - including those whose duty it is to bind and guide the souls of the dead. A strong storm disrupts the magics surrounding the cemetery and the guardians find themselves standing between the living and the dead.

Dragons of Winter

Sera joins the crew of a privateer who it is rumored has made a pack with the Goddess Kalkiolucue.The Black Witch has a reputation for always being able to make her way safely through the worst weather, but will an early winter and a trip to a place sacred to the Goddess mean the end for the Black Witch and what of Sera?